Rural community to gather for Thrings’ new-look agriculture seminar

Food and farming legal experts will discuss some of the latest topics affecting the rural sector - including farming ownership disputes, rural planning enforcement and the potential impact of Brexit on farm tenancies – at the seminar which takes place on Friday 8 November.

In a packed programme, farmers, landowners, land agents, planning consultants, surveyors, accountants and farming journalists will hear from Tom Allen-Stevens, former chairman of the Oxford Farming Conference and current editor of Crop Production Magazine, as he takes part in a live interview about new farming technology with Thrings partner Mark Charter.

And Josh Stratton – a third generation Wiltshire farmer with 5,500 acres of farmland – will share his personal experiences of transitioning from farming to letting commercial, residential and holiday properties and overseeing a wide range of renewable energy projects.

The event – now in its 31st year and chaired by Thrings’ head of agriculture Duncan Sigournay, will also include presentations by partner Robert James and associate Fred Quartermain, both of whom featured in the firm’s recent – and record-breaking – round of promotions.

Elsewhere, associate solicitor Will Foulkes will provide an assessment of the potential impact of blockchain technology on the rural industry, while solicitor Ken Kaar will offer tips and advice to farmers and entrepreneurs considering entering the world of viticulture.

The full programme for Thrings’ autumn agriculture seminar is:

  • Duncan Sigournay: chairman’s introduction
  • Mike Westbrook: strategic land - the landowner’s perspective
  • Robert James: farming ownership disputes
  • Alex Madden and Fred Quartermain: ‘Comply or die’ – rural planning enforcement
  • Josh Stratton: the transition from farming to business development.
  • Ken Kaar: wine growing - why is it different and what you need to know
  • Duncan Sigournay: Brexit and tenancies
  • Will Foulkes: an introduction to blockchain and how it affects agriculture
  • Tom Allen-Stevens and Mark Charter: new farming technology

During the course of the seminar, attendees will have the opportunity to network with their fellow guests and members of Thrings’ Agriculture team. All major discussion points from the event will also be shared via Thrings’ dedicated @ThringsAgri Twitter feed.

For more information about Thrings’ autumn agriculture seminar, please contact Chantelle Johnston on / 0117 374 9636.

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