One Couple One Lawyer

Take five guide - One Couple One Lawyer  

One Couple One Lawyer (OCOL) is an alternative approach to divorce and separation, providing couples with a simpler resolution to resolving financial or child related issues. Thrings’ Family Lawyers give their tips on how to make the most of the process.


1. Work together

One Couple One Lawyer gives couples more control over the final settlement and empowers them to actively participate in crafting solutions. Cooperation, compromise and transparency are key its success with couples being able to resolve their issues , without the need for any involvement from the courts.


2. Keep communication open

In the One Couple One Lawyer process, everyone is kept on the same page and there are no ‘secrets’ or competing solicitors’ letters to inflate the conflict. By expressing your needs and concerns openly with each other and the lawyer, it can help navigate the options and steer the process towards a productive resolution.

3. Focus on the long term

Being too keen to reach a quick resolution, regardless of the outcome, could lead to issues down the road. Your lawyer will talk you both through the long-term implications of potential scenarios to help you both make informed decisions about the future of your family. Focus your attention is on the longer-term outcomes for your family and how the decisions you make now could impact the lives of those you care about.

4. Set out your goals and objectives early

With One Couple One Lawyer aiming to satisfy the needs of both sides at the same time, it is important to lay your cards on the table at the outset, but always be prepared to compromise . By being up front early on, it can avoid friction later in the process and help your lawyer prioritise what is important to you and your family.

5. Consider your options

One Couple One Lawyer is a tailored and efficient route to a successful divorce or separation, but it isn’t necessarily for everyone. Speak to our Family Lawyers about your individual circumstances and find out whether One Couple One Lawyer is right for you.


Would you like to know more?

Thrings’ Family Lawyers are experienced in all areas of the law that are close to home and support individuals and couples with sound tailored advice to successfully navigate divorces and separations.


Thrings legal take five guides


