What has coronavirus taught businesses about themselves?

Twice-serving British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli once said “There is no education like adversity.”

Very few people could have foreseen the onset of coronavirus, let alone estimated its impact on the business world. The effect has been significant, yet the pandemic has presented organisations across the world with the chance to step back and learn more about themselves. It has also forced many to consider new ways of working: how best to stay in touch with clients, remote working and a reassessment of their technology needs.

Writing for Business Leader, corporate partner Simon Hore offers his take on how the coronavirus outbreak has affected the business community, and argues that Disraeli’s words are arguably as relevant now as they were when the said them more than 140 years ago.

Click here to read Business Leader’s article.

Visit Thrings’ Coronavirus Portal for more information on the key issues and challenges facing individuals and businesses during the pandemic.

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