Farmers Weekly Business Clinic: can wedding organiser claim for Covid-19-related cancellations?

The wedding industry is one of many across the world to have been severely disrupted by the coronavirus outbreak, with thousands of couples postponing and cancelling their often long-planned nuptials.

In one particular instance, a venue owner has been asked to refund a commercial wedding organiser’s £2,000 deposit despite the wedding having not been cancelled. The organiser has also requested reimbursement for money spent on booking caterers, a DJ and other related services.

Amid a period of great uncertainty for the wedding industry, what course of action is available to the venue owners?

Writing for Farmers Weekly, Kate Westbrook, partner and head of commercial at Thrings, looks at the issue of written commercial contracts, and explains how force majeure, limitation of liability clauses and even the law of frustration can affect the rights of all those involved in the big day.

Read the full article in Farmers Weekly.

To discuss this matter further, please contact Kate Westbrook or another member of Thrings’ specialist Agriculture team.

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