Farmers Weekly Business Clinic: has the Covid-19 pandemic led to delays in planning applications?

A farmer has recently submitted a change of use planning application for two agricultural barns that he owns.

A decision on the application is now due, but there has been no word from the local planning authority – and the farmer is concerned the delay is due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

Given the farmer’s desire to progress with the project, what options are available to him?

Writing for Farmers Weekly, Alex Madden, head of planning at Thrings, discusses the UK planning system’s response to the pandemic, reviews the temporary measures introduced by the Government to relax planning rules and processes, and explains how local authorities are being encouraged to continue determining applications under existing timescales.

Click here to read the full article in Farmers Weekly.

To discuss this matter further, please contact Alex Madden or another member of Thrings’ Planning team.

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