Could your food and drink brand be the next vape flavour?

Image: Sarah Sloat

Accompanying the fast growth of the vaping equipment industry is that of flavoured liquids, which are increasingly mimicking – or outright copying – familiar food and drink flavours or brands. This has resulted in a wave of trademark infringement cases in the US and the UK.

Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution partner Megan Jefferies, tells readers of The Business Exchange (Bath & Somerset) how brands could be leaving themselves legally open to intellectual property theft if they have not registered their trade marks under class 34.

“Your food and drink’s trade marks are likely to be registered in some or all of classes 29-33, which cover the various types of beverages and edibles out there. But registering them in class 34 will protect them from imitation within the tobacco and related products sector, which includes vaping products.”

Likewise, producers of vape flavours should be doing their homework if they wish to avoid a lawsuit.

Click here to read the full article in The Business Exchange.

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