Getting to know you… Kerrie Hunt

From plumbing to open air swimming and a million books in between, employment specialist Partner Kerrie Hunt has just the right ‘can do’ attitude to solve any problem.


Tell us a bit about what you do?

I listen, question and advise – helping my clients to steer a course through the, sometimes, choppy waters of employment law. I’ve worked alongside many clients for almost as long as I’ve been with Thrings and so have learned a lot about a whole range of industries and businesses.

The joy of this area of law is that it’s about people and as we know people are ‘complicated’, so there’s always some nuance to a question from a client that informs a given situation. Just when you think you have seen, heard and advised on it all, something new or surprising crops up, never a dull day!

What do you do in your spare time?

Theatre was always my first love. I worked in the Arts before taking up law, so all things arts from theatre and film to galleries and museums, are a real passion of mine. I also like walking be it coast or countryside, and have just ventured into the world of open air swimming!

Anyone who has joined me on zoom will also know I love reading and can’t bear to part with books, so my shelves are many layered and very messy!

Best place you’ve ever travelled to and why?

It has to be Japan - it is such a fascinating country and has amazing culture. We had a wonderful, if exhausting, family holiday there and were all blown away. We tried to pack in as much as possible - travelling on the bullet train from Tokyo to Osaka and Kyoto and walking (a very short section) of the Nakosendo, an ancient route that joins Kyoto to Tokyo. Mostly I enjoyed just wandering through different neighbourhoods in the cities, coming across unexpected Shinto temples. I would love to return.

Tell us something about yourself not widely known?

I can change a thermocouple on a boiler! Many years ago staying at my friend’s house when her parents were away, the central heating broke down and with the can do attitude of my younger self, I fixed it for the cost of a replacement thermocouple from a plumber’s merchant (it cost less than a fiver) - I am my father’s daughter, he was a plumber, and I think it one of my proudest achievements.

If you could invite three guests to dinner who would they be?

Maya Angelou, David Bowie and my daughter.


Find out more about Kerrie Hunt and her professional experience on her profile here - or email

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