60 seconds with... Sally Pike

60 seconds with Sally Pike, family law

Messing about on and in the water is a passion of Sally’s as is chocolate, just don’t mention ra-ra skirts, daddy long legs or Southampton’s position in the Premier League!

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy having contact with my clients and really getting to know them. Every client has their own personal story and it’s satisfying being able to help them as they rebuild their lives after the emotional impact of a relationship breakdown. I fully understand how difficult a breakdown of a relationship can be and the need for clients to have transparent pragmatic and supportive cost effective legal advice from their solicitor to help them get through it.

What has been one of your standout moments?

My first holiday away with my husband without the children in 14 years! Not that I don’t love them, but there was something special in having some downtime in the Caribbean without hearing “Mum, Mum… can you…” every 10 minutes!

Tell us something about yourself that is not widely known

I’m never happier than when I am out and about near the sea. I am a keen sailor and race on the Solent in Cowes Week and Round the Island Race (that’s the Isle of Wight not Great Britain). I also love open water swimming and have swum through the iconic Durdle Door arch down the Dorset coast to Lulworth. Oh, and I really hate daddy long legs.

Favourite holiday destination

Salcombe in Devon. I regularly went there as a child and spent hours crabbing, rock pooling and playing on the beach. I am still the same and so it’s still a favourite family destination – my children humour me by coming crabbing with me even though they would much rather be in Florida!

What makes you happy?

Chocolate. A cup of tea brought to me in bed. A perfect gin and tonic. Chocolate. Watching the children in their various sports. A Sunday roast. A walk along a beach. My husband’s sense of humour. Southampton FC winning. Chocolate.

What advice would you give your younger self?

That a Wham! “Wake me up before you go-go” t- shirt and a ra-ra skirt is not the coolest look on the planet…

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