60 seconds with... Kerrie Hunt

60 seconds with Kerrie Hunt, Partner, Employment

Kerrie Hunt, Partner, Employment

What motivated you to become a lawyer? 

I moved into law as a second career. At the time I was looking for an intellectual challenge, I like a good debate and generally see all sides of the argument, and I am comfortable thinking on my feet in front of an ‘audience’, so a move into litigation was always on the cards.

Why do you specialise in employment law?

See all of the above, but a key attraction is that I enjoy building long term relationships with my clients – people are people and rather than a ‘one off’ transaction, in employment it is an ongoing conversation with our clients. There’s a lot of ‘law’ involved, as well as practical common sense required and the work is always genuinely interesting, sometimes surprising and occasionally downright fun (that people thing again)

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The joy of this area of law is that it’s about people and as we know people are ‘complicated’, so there’s always some nuance to a question from a client that stretches you and keeps it interesting. Just when you think you’ve seen, heard and advised on it all, something new or surprising crops up – it’s never a dull day!

What do you like to do outside of work? 

Theatre was always my first love. I worked in the arts before taking up law, so all things arts - from theatre and film to galleries and museums - are a real passion of mine. I also like walking, be it coast or countryside and have just ventured into the world of open-air swimming. Anyone who has joined me on Teams when working from home, will also know I love reading and can’t bear to part with books, so my shelves are many layered and very messy!

If you weren't a lawyer what would you do?

Attempt to write fiction or even ‘tread the boards’ again - or both!

Name one thing that makes your life better?

My family

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