60 seconds with... Alice Altounyan

60 seconds with Alice Altounyan, Partner, Residential Property

Alice Altounyan, Partner, Residential Property

What motivated you to become a lawyer? 

I always thought I’d be a scientist growing up but did a joint honours in Chemistry & Law at University and I liked how there was room for debate with law, unlike science which is very black and white. During the summer break I completed work experience at a local law firm in Bristol and clearly wasn’t terrible because they offered me a job when I graduated! I readily accepted, not least because it gave me an excuse to stay in the South West, a corner of the world I love.

Why do you specialise in residential property law?

I actually qualified as a commercial property lawyer in my previous firm, but I really wanted to work for Thrings and applied for a residential property job to get my foot through the door. The realisation soon followed that this was absolutely the right area for me – it’s fast paced and when you are helping people to secure their new home, it really matters to them (and to me) and that makes the long hours worthwhile.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I’m often found with my head in a book or en route to the theatre. The Lake District is my favourite place in the world, and I try to get up there as often as I can.

If you weren't a lawyer what would you do?

I would be a literary agent. I love the idea of reading book manuscripts as a job and getting to negotiate on behalf of the authors to bring forward the best ones to print.

Finally, name somebody – living or dead – who you would invite to your fantasy dinner party.

I would invite the author Ian Banks. I love his books and had the pleasure of hearing him talk at Edinburgh Festival many years ago before he passed away – he had a brilliant sense of humour and I think would get on well with my friends.

View Alice's professional profile and get in contact here.

Thrings Private property lawyers

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