Thrings aids Targett Business Technology’s acceptance onto NHS procurement framework


Paul Targett, owner of TBT, created RIVIAM – a set of secure web and mobile digital services for health and social care organisations enabling them to communicate better and improve care for people.

Using the best cloud-based technology RIVIAM is designed to link with existing NHS IT systems and to offer the digital flexibility the NHS needs to deliver modern care services. Data security and patient confidentiality are central to the capability and RIVIAM meets the highest governance standards. By using RIVIAM NHS will enable its staff to access information securely when and where they need it and improve the quality of the service they provide.

Our involvement

To be eligible for an NHS tender, TBT had to join the NHS’s procurement framework, G-Cloud 8. We had previously worked with Mr. Targett on RIVIAM’s own customer contracts, and he contacted us for legal advice regarding his G-Cloud 8 application.

Drawing on the Thrings' Commercial team experience working with the NHS over many years, including reviewing previous iterations of G-Cloud, the team reviewed RIVIAM’s own contract terms to increase the chance of acceptance and highlighted areas of concern to Mr. Targett. Using our prior knowledge of the NHS and TBT, we removed clauses from TBT’s contract that wouldn’t be acceptable to the NHS, identified TBT’s risks and updated its contract accordingly.

The outcome

By working tirelessly for three days, we were able to meet the deadline for G-Cloud 8 applications. RIVIAM was accepted onto the Government’s procurement framework for a three-year period, creating exciting growth opportunities for the business within the NHS. TBT can now provide its RIVIAM  digital referral and pathway management services  to any interested NHS hospitals and health and care bodies, unlocking new avenues for future business.

Following his success, Mr. Targett contacted the Thrings team to say: “I would like to thank you for all your work in helping us to successfully get on the G-Cloud 8 framework. Without the professional and speedy work of your team we would not have been accepted.”

For further commentary on this case, or to discuss any commercial-related issue, please contact a member of Thrings' Commercial team.

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