Business services teams are at the forefront of driving change and instilling best practice – this, together with an understanding of the need for competitive and commercial differentiation, means that these teams are central to the success of the firm.

Thrings is committed to encouraging robust career paths for both lawyers and business services alike; our aim is to develop every individual into world class professionals in their specialist field.

We pride ourselves on our collaborative approach across all teams and all offices;
lawyers from all specialisms work alongside business services to deliver our common purpose – to enable growth and success for all our clients.

Our Business Services teams include:


The IT team provides the core business systems, infrastructure, services, IT support and training.


The Finance team supports the firm by providing accounting services and financial reporting.

Services include the collection of revenues, processing office and client account transactions, and payment of suppliers invoices and expenses.

Reporting provides internal management information as well as statutory reporting.


The Thrings Marketing team communicates the Thrings brand and helps drive business growth. Through a strategic plan incorporating PR, events, collateral, and utilising all digital platforms, the team illustrates what makes Thrings different and how the firm brings value to its clients and their business.

Quality & Risk

The Quality and Risk team offers advice and help with matter management best practice, professional and regulatory compliance, complaints and claims handling and the firm’s library & information services. The team is also responsible for developing and managing systems and controls to help manage risk.


The HR team works closely for, and with employees at all levels to ensure they provide a professional, hands-on and solutions-focused HR service. They ensure the people agenda is aligned with the goals of the company and more widely.


The Facilities team provides a comprehensive range of services for the office environment and administration, in a cost efficient, safe and timely manner.