Thrings celebrates LGBTQ+ History Month with firm-wide event

Thrings LGBTQ+ History month

Colleagues from across the Thrings offices came together this week for an internal gathering to mark LGBTQ+ History Month.

The awareness month, celebrated in the UK since 2005, was created to promote equality and diversity for the benefit of the public, with this year’s theme “Behind the Lens” celebrating LGBTQ+ peoples’ contribution to cinema and film off-screen.

More than 50 colleagues from across our offices joined the hybrid event on Thursday, chaired by Kiran Maher, with Jeremy Nixon’s opening talk providing a run-through of the LGBTQ+ timeline from the 1957 Wolfenden Report to the present day.

This was followed by an update on gender identity issues from Laura Knight with the event being closed with a presentation from Sam Longmore on LBGTQ+ heroes from across the world.

It was great to have so many people from across the firm in attendance and a massive thank you goes out to all members of staff who presented and helped to organise the event.

Jeremy Nixon, Partner and Head of the Employment Law team at Thrings, said: “It was wonderful to see such a great turnout from across all of our offices. We had some insightful engagement from colleagues in respect of the various topics of discussion. I am proud to be part of such a supportive and inclusive firm. It is important for organisations to be supportive of their LGBTQ+ staff and it is clear this is the case at Thrings.”

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