Poppys Picnic Founder Shares Insights on Navigating Business Growth Amidst Turbulent Times

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In a recent Breakfast Exchange networking event held at The Old Bell in Malmesbury, Dylan Watkins, visionary founder of Poppy’s Picnic, shed light on the challenges and opportunities faced by businesses in today's ever-changing landscape and shared his valuable insights into growing a business in turbulent times.

At the event, hosted by The Business Exchange with solicitors Thrings and accountants Richardson Swift, Dylan, a true trailblazer in the pet food industry, captivated the audience of regional businesses with a compelling talk on the journey of Poppy’s Picnic and the obstacles overcome along the way.

Dylan emphasised that recent unsettled times have presented both challenges and opportunities for businesses. With the pandemic radically reshaping consumer behaviours, entrepreneurs have had to adapt to ever-evolving demands. Poppy’s Picnic, known for its commitment to providing high-quality fresh raw food for dogs and cats that can extend an animal’s life by up to three years, has experienced rapid growth in this new era as pet owners have increasingly prioritised their furry companions' health and well-being.

Poppy's Picnic's journey serves as an inspiration to entrepreneurs, demonstrating that with perseverance, adaptability, and a customer-centric approach, even in difficult times, remarkable success can be achieved.

To witness the passion and dedication behind Poppy's Picnic, we encourage you to watch the captivating video that encapsulates their exceptional brand.



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