What does the new PM’s Brexit approach mean for business?

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The front runner from day one, Boris Johnson becomes Prime Minister this week, securing a decisive 66% of the Conservative Party members’ vote. But what does the UK’s new Prime Minister mean for the business of Brexit?

Conservative Party members have backed the candidate with undoubted confidence, personality and ‘belief in Britain’ – but will that be enough to secure an improved withdrawal agreement? Will Mr Johnson continue to hold his line on a no-deal Brexit if he doesn't get what he wants and will Parliament be able to stop him?

We should be cautious when it comes to relying on what is said during any election campaign; while the new PM has been bold in his stated approach to Brexit, the EU is holding firm on its previous statements that the withdrawal agreement is not up for renegotiation although it has stated that it would be willing to re-open discussions relating to the political declaration  (i.e. the basis of the future relationship between the UK and the block).

Looking at the likeliness of arriving at a no-deal Brexit unprepared (proroguing or not) and assessing the ‘GATT24’ option, Kate Westbrook tells readers of Insider’s Business Matters blog what they might expect from a ‘Boris Brexit’.

Click here to read the full article, as published on Insider’s website.

To find out what we can do to help you prepare your business for Brexit, please get in touch with Kate Westbrook, or sign-up to our Brexit MOT.

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