Passing it on

Whether farms with multi-generational family histories or agribusiness start-ups – making efficient tax provisions and protecting assets is crucial to the future success of a business.

The annual finance seminar organised by the Country Land and Business Association (CLA) South West is being held today, 12 April, at Bowood House - home of the Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne.

Addressing CLA members and their guests, a panel of financial and legal experts are examining the threats but also the opportunities around tax liability, foreign exchange risk and ensuring smooth succession.

Tax Planning & Trusts partner at Thrings, Mike Westbrook, is sharing his know-how and addressing key issues such as:

  • Family administration - considering the management of expectations and benefits of family charters or memoranda of understanding
  • Business asset management – covering partnership agreements, profit shares and the importance of regular communication
  • Asset protection – wills, trusts and pre-marital agreements
  • Integration of business and succession agreements - for seamless transitions of ownership and management
  • Tax – looking at options for inheritance and capital gains tax planning in a rural context.


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