Farmers Weekly Business Clinic: should I exercise caution before investing in farm?

The farm is currently owned by four siblings, who took it over from their mother when she died two years ago. In the intervening period one of the daughters has lived and worked on the farm. Now her three siblings want to sell the farm – and it has unveiled an incomplete paper trail, casting doubt and confusion over the precise nature of the arrangements agreed between the family members.

Writing for Farmers Weekly, Thrings partner and head of agriculture Duncan Sigournay provides a comprehensive assessment of the situation for the would-be investor - who is looking to go into partnership with the daughter – and explains whether her status as a sitting tenant could give her first refusal when it comes to buying the farm.

Click here to read the full article in Farmers Weekly.

To discuss this matter further, please contact Duncan Sigournay or another member of Thrings’ specialist Agriculture team.

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