Farmers Weekly Business Clinic: Is family responsible for partner’s nursing home fees?

A woman, her son and his wife each have a stake in a farming partnership.

The eldest partner, who has a 25% share, has recently fallen into ill health. Due to a loss of mental capacity, severe dementia and high risk of falls, she has been admitted to a local nursing home.

As a temporary resident in the nursing home, she doesn't fit the criteria for NHS-funded nursing care, leaving her relatives unsure about who is responsible for paying the nursing home fees.

In this month’s Business Clinic, associate solicitor Jermaine Smith reviews the family’s situation in the context of the partner’s declining health, and discusses the potential impact that a change to the structure of the partnership could have on the remaining parties.

Click here to read the full article in Farmers Weekly.

To discuss this matter further, please contact Jermaine Smith or another member of Thrings’ specialist Agriculture or Private Client teams.

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