Farmers Weekly Business Clinic: how to handle staff who ignore coronavirus advice

Despite being entitled to spend his downtime as he wishes, the worker’s decision to travel off-site is worrying the farmer, not least because it is unclear where he is going and who he is spending time with. As a result, the farmer believes his business and the health and wellbeing of other staff could be at risk.

So what action can the farmer take?

Writing for Farmers Weekly, senior associate Natalie Ward and solicitor Laura Knight from Thrings’ Employment and Immigration team, discuss employers and employees’ rights in the context of self-isolation and social distancing, and offer advice to business owners facing the challenge of protecting their organisations while safeguarding their staff.

Click here to read the full article in Farmers Weekly.

To discuss this matter further, please contact Natalie Ward or another member of Thrings’ Employment and Immigration team.

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