Farmers Weekly Business Clinic: Can self-employed worker enjoy same benefits as FTE?

A self-employed farmworker has recently stopped working for a client after more than a year. No written contract or employment terms were ever agreed between the two parties, with the worker invoicing the farm every month.

But having only provided the farm with labour – she used its tools, tractors and other equipment - the worker believes she should have been treated as an employee and entitled to the benefits enjoyed by those hired directly by the farm.

Does the worker have a case?

In this month’s Business Clinic Natalie Ward, a senior associate in Thrings’ Employment and Immigration team, assesses the farmworker’s situation and explains who should be responsible for her holiday pay, pension contributions and National Insurance contributions.

Click here to read the full article in Farmers Weekly.  

To discuss this matter further, please contact Natalie Ward or another member of Thrings’ specialist Agriculture or Employment & Immigration teams.

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