Coronavirus: Thrings business continuity

The situation surrounding COVID-19 (coronavirus) changes on a daily basis, with Government and health officials issuing advice and guidance to people and businesses during this fast-moving and unprecedented time.

While it is hard to predict what will happen next, it’s clear we face a period of disruption to our normal working and home lives – and in such circumstances we need to be adaptable and flexible.

Thrings has therefore put in place a number of measures aimed at reducing the impact of the virus on those connected to the firm while, at the same time, ensuring we continue to provide the best service to our clients:

  • We have created and tested a contingency plan focused on delivering uninterrupted client service (as far as it is possible) should any of our offices need to close on a temporary basis;
  • We have implemented reliable, effective and secure systems that allow our staff to remain fully contactable and available to clients while working from home. This includes issuing laptops and diverting office landlines to mobile phones;
  • We have made arrangements which facilitate the access to and secure storage of key and confidential files and documents;
  • We are issuing regular communications to clients and staff outlining the firm’s approach to dealing with coronavirus;
  • We have temporarily postponed all Thrings-hosted events, restricted cross-office staff travel, and requested all meetings are conducted by telephone or video conference;
  • We are ensuring there is regular communication between members of our Business Continuity team - led by our managing partner Simon Holdsworth - and the rest of the firm.

Like many businesses we continue to monitor developments, act on official advice, and make real-time decisions aimed at protecting the health, wellbeing and safety of our clients, contacts, visitors and staff during this period of uncertainty.

If you have any queries about the potential impact of coronavirus on you or your business, or would value any advice, support and guidance from Thrings, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your usual Thrings contact or email

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