Well, I haven’t had a decent moan for a while.
The Is It Me? column has been a little more light-hearted and a little more topical but as the mornings and the afternoons are now darker I’ve decided to reflect those shadows in my rambles. So I thought I’d share a little list of things that are currently annoying me.
These are by no means the biggest problems on my mind, and I fully understand that there are far bigger fish to fry but sometimes its nice to concentrate on the ‘niggles’ in life rather than the ‘nuclear’. Some of you will agree with me, some of you will think I’ve lost the plot and most of you won’t care but in no particular order these are a few annoyances that are currently getting my goat.
- Thoughtless loading of the dishwasher. Do it properly and you’ll get twice as much in. Simples.
- The shrinking of chocolate bars without the shrinking of the price of them. We know what you’re doing!
- The price of water at airports. Robbery.
- Incorrectly delivered / not delivered /left in the rain.
- Fly tipping. Seriously, we all create waste one way or another – dispose of it properly you lazy toad!
- If you’re walking along a road put your dog on a lead. It’s not fair on the dog or other road users and you’ll be the first to moan if the pooch gets clipped.
- Fruit that’s too hard to eat when you buy it – bloody plums.
- Filling your car up and then doing your weekly shop in the petrol station without moving your car from the pump. Seriously!
- Radio 1.
- Being cut off after 30+ minutes of being on hold, with the only recourse being to call again.
- Halloween generally.
- Bad manners, (not the band, just the idiots).
- That dishwasher thing again.
- People who don’t understand why I’m annoyed by the things on this list.
Don’t worry there is however hope.
- The pre-budget rush to complete transactions is over and we all got through it.
- Election season has come to an end. Thank the Lord.
- Elasticated jeans.
- It’s now acceptable to drink Bovril (alone and in public).
- Wales are going to win the 6 Nations (men and women).
- Bamboo socks. So, so soft (you know what to get me for Christmas)
OK, I feel better now. That said I’d love to hear your little gripes and moans to add to my little list of misery. Please feel free to share! We need to get it out of our systems before Saint Nicholas is here to bring the cheer.