Over the years, John Davies’ Is it me? has become a favourite of The Business Exchange for its wit and camaraderie. This time, John’s returned to his political poetry.

Boris had a party, Boris drank some wine,
He drank it in his garden, but during Covid time.
The country was in lockdown, with bubbling and distance,
All adhering to the rules to build Covid resistance.
He said that he was working, didn’t know that rules were ‘broke’,
But Keir said he’s fibbing and called the man a joke.
Now poor Sue Gray’s been lumbered, a Sherlock she must be,
I bet she’s wishing Boris had swapped his wine for tea.
The news is going crazy, they’re calling for his head,
But who would step into his shoes, who should lead instead?
The Tories are infighting, backbenchers in arms,
Will they vote no confidence, has Boris lost his charms?
He did deliver Brexit, he said he’d get it done,
He forged ahead with vaccines and boosted everyone.
With Rishi he pushed furlough, they granted business loans,
They saved a million businesses and saved a million homes.

They wrapped their arms around us, gave us Jonathan Van-Tam,
United our great country and made us give a damn.
Good work some folk would argue, big picture stuff all nailed,
But many grieving relatives would say our PM’s failed.
They say that they lost loved ones, no visits, funerals sparse,
Yet canapés were being munched by those in upper class.
Tell the truth, it always works, that’s what my parents taught,
So why not face the music and admit you’ve come up short?
Behind the news reality, long shifts and much distress,
Carers, front line workers and of course our NHS.
Still working hard to keep us safe, still stretched and still courageous,
I understand why many think these parties are outrageous.
The last two years have taught us nought, if all we do is fight,
We need to act as one right now, work hard to put things right.
So come on politicians, get this sorted, don’t attack,
And let’s make 2022 the year that we bounce back.


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