Getting to know… Harvey Davies

Harvey Davies agriculture

Harvey combines his work as a solicitor in our Agriculture team with his role as a working farmer in the Wye Valley.

Tell us about your career so far.

My family background is in farming in Herefordshire, but I went off to university and law school and completed my training at one of the “magic circle” law firms in London. Then I was out of the legal profession for a period of time working on other projects before coming back to the farm where we grow apples, and hops for breweries. Now, my role at Thrings brings together my agricultural and business experience as I advise on planning and environmental issues in the rural sector.

How hard is it to combine the roles of farmer and lawyer?

I love combining the two roles. Obviously, having first-hand experience of the rural sector works to the benefit of my clients and gives me a unique appreciation of their businesses. I’m very fortunate that this is valued at Thrings and that I have a lot of flexibility in carrying out both roles.

What are the most satisfying aspects of your work?

I love the collegiality at the firm – working closely with colleagues in our planning team, but also regularly engaging with our commercial property and agricultural teams. It’s a very positive way to work and a lot of fun too!

It also gives us a very robust service offering for the rural sector which has improved even further now that the team at Okells FrancisLaw are part of Thrings.

As someone who runs a rural business myself, I am very conscious of the challenges facing the rural sector and I have developed a strong sense of mission about helping these businesses!

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would definitely emphasise the importance of doing work which genuinely interests and motivates you. Sometimes when you’re younger it’s easy to chase the wrong things, rather than thinking about what brings you satisfaction professionally and personally. So – think carefully about what makes you tick!

Name one thing that makes your life better.

The first cup of coffee from a local coffee shop... and a bacon roll!

What’s your dream holiday destination?

I’d have to say Crantock, near Newquay, in Cornwall. My wife Ali and I spend a lot of time there and it’s an absolutely stunning part of the world. It’s not too far away from our home in Herefordshire, but still the perfect place to get away from it all.

What would you choose as your perfect meal?

I’ll go for roast beef with all the trimmings, but it’s got to be perfectly cooked – medium rare. And for dessert there’s only one possible option – my wife makes the most amazing key lime pie.

If you could go back in history for one day, when would it be and why?

20th July 1969 – the day a human first walked on the Moon. I still find this a staggering achievement, and a constant reminder of what we can accomplish no matter how great the challenge.

If you would like to contact Harvey Davies, click here.