GETTING TO KNOW… Alistair Wallworth

This rugby fan and would-be wine entrepreneur Alistair gets a buzz of pride every time he drives past a development he’s helped bring into existence

Tell us a little about your work?

Alistair Wallworth, Legal Director in the Thrings Real Estate team. I specialise in Development of Land which involves acting for developers, housebuilders, promoters, investors and landowners at all stages of promoting, selling, acquiring and developing land.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I get a bit of a buzz of pride when I drive past a building or housing development I’ve been involved with (even if my wife finds me pointing out warehouses on the M6 somewhat tedious!).

I find it rewarding that, in general, everyone involved in a transaction is working towards a common objective with an end result which is usually tangible and has made a positive difference to people’s lives.

Tell us something about yourself that is not widely known?

A few years ago I had a go at importing and selling Italian wine from regions I had become familiar with when on holiday there. I sourced some really interesting wines not widely available in the UK, such as Montefalco Sagrantino from Umbria – a very full bodied oak-aged red. I had a stall at an artisan market in Manchester in the run up to Christmas.

The venture might even have broken even if I hadn’t sampled so many of the bottles! I also learnt a bit of Italian along the way, so it was a very enriching experience.

What has been your standout moment over the past year?

Relocating from Manchester, where my wife and I had lived for the previous 18 years, to Gloucestershire. It was a big move in terms of new jobs and a house move for both of us, but so far we’re delighted with how it’s all working out. The South West is a beautiful part of the country and it’s great having Bristol and Bath on our doorstep. Manchester will always be a home-from-home and I’ll be back there frequently to see friends and clients.

Which three people living, or dead would you invite to your fantasy dinner party?

Freddie Mercury to hold court and maybe sing us a song or two.

Keith Floyd to cook for us and keep the wine flowing.

Jason Leonard – the “Fun Bus” – I think he’d have some great stories having played through the amateur era of rugby before turning professional, played in 3 Lions tours and lifted the World Cup.

What, if anything, makes your blood boil?

Watching England play rugby (most of the time)

What makes you happy?

Watching England play rugby (some of the time)

Favourite holiday destination?

Italy is usually an excellent option in terms of weather, culture, food and wine. The perfect destination would be set in a vineyard with a pool overlooking some stunning scenery with some authentic local restaurants close-at-hand.


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