Blog | Thrings

Teaming up for GDPR

Written by Katie O’Donnell | Mar 30, 2018 8:00:31 AM

As of 25 May 2018, any business that processes people’s personal data will need to do so in a more responsible way. In a nutshell, businesses should only collect the data they need, only store it for as long as they need to, and only use it for the purposes made clear to the individuals in question.

At the roundtable event held at Thrings’ Swindon offices on 26 March, partner and data protection specialist, Graeme Fearon, talked the group of local business representatives through what the new legislation actually means. Alongside Graeme, James Dell from IT solutions provider Planet IT spoke about the application of the new regulations.

Please click here to read Total Guide to Swindon’s account of the event.