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Divorce is about to get (a bit) easier

Written by Joana Abreu Jackson | Sep 11, 2019 7:30:10 AM

Since a high-profile case in which a 68-year-old woman failed to divorce her husband of 40 years, momentum has built to make the divorce process more amicable in England and Wales. Parliament is currently considering getting rid of the need to point the finger, effectively introducing a blame-free divorce option for those who would rather go their separate ways without a fractious legal battle.

But what does this mean in practice? And is there anything one can do to facilitate the process until those new laws are passed? For one, the new online divorce portal offers a speedier option when it comes to the paperwork.

Click here to read family solicitor Megan Prideaux’s tips for readers of Bath & Wiltshire Parent.

You can learn more about the case that spurred parliament to consider updating the law (Owens v Owens) here.

To download a guide to ‘Your first meeting with our Family team’, click here.