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60 seconds with... Naomi Butler

Written by Thrings | May 9, 2024 8:47:01 AM

Naomi Butler, Senior Associate, Commercial Property

 What motivated you to become a lawyer?

Well, I first considered becoming a lawyer after watching Ally McBeal and Kavanagh QC on television in the 90s (that isn’t even a joke)… 

I enjoyed humanities at school so decided study Law and Politics at Cardiff and whilst I enjoyed my course, I wasn’t convinced it was for me. It wasn’t until after I had taken some time out to teach in China (this was also a real possibility for my future) that I decided to take on some more legal work experience and found that I really enjoyed the practical side as much as the theory. From there I took the plunge into applying for training contracts - and the rest is history!

 Why do you specialise in Commercial Property?

I really enjoyed it as an elective on the LPC so knew that I definitely wanted to do a seat in Commercial Property in my training contract. I enjoy the transactional nature and everyone ultimately pulling together to get the deal done. Some might roll their eyes when I say it but the origins of property law in England are actually also really fascinating!

What do you like to do outside of work?

I love to run. I’ve run three marathons and numerous half marathons before having children and am slowly getting back into it now the kids are getting a bit older.

Name one thing that makes your life better?

My family – my two beautiful children and my husband!

View Naomi's professional profile and get in contact here.