Blog | Thrings

Sick as a parrot? - Euro 2016 and staff absenteeism

Written by Reality House | Jun 15, 2016 10:27:12 AM

The tournament’s opening fixture took place on Friday evening, meaning disruption to employers and the French working week was minimised. But a number of matches – not least this week’s clash between England and Wales – are scheduled to kick off during conventional working hours, with managers across the UK preparing themselves for requests from staff wanting to cheer their team on

Duncan Snook, employment solicitor at Thrings, speaks to the Swindon Advertiser about some of the challenges facing businesses in dealing with staff members’ requests to watch matches at work, and urges managers to combine clear communication about employees’ use of internet use during working hours, requests for annual leave and possible sickness absence with a degree of flexibility.

Read the full article here.